欢迎光临米兰德——将理想变为现实     中国总部:天津




Ric and Gerry New established Midland Brick Company in 1945.At the time Western Australia was experiencing a shortage of building bricks, and the brothers seized the opportunity to produce their own After discovering commercial quantities of high quality clay deposits at Middle Swan -18 kilometers from Perth and near the historic town ofMidland-they began manufacturingand the Midland Brick Company Was born.

Today Midland Brick is recognized in the Guinness Book Of World Records as the largest clay brick manufacturer operating from one site in the world,with the facility to produce 7.7 million bricks and pavers each week.
From its inception, the company adhered to the principles of high quality products,outstanding customer service and competitive pricing. And from humble beginnings, it has grown to become the major supplier of clay bricks and pavers to the Western Australian Building Industryand the first to export clay bricks and pavers to the world.
For over 20 vears Midland Brick products have been exported to markets that include Indonesia. Malavsia. Singapore, the Philippines,Hong Kong,China,Taiwan,Japan South Korea,United Kingdom, USA, United Arab Emirates. and New Zealand.The company’s Quality Assured status means you can be confident that Midland Brick Company will meet every reauirement you may have with any future proiect

售前咨询热线 +86-22-5879 3939 售后咨询热线 +86-22-5879 3939 热线 13752393934

